Welcome to my personal webpage

Welcome to my personal webpage! I am a Postdoctoral researcher based at TU Darmstadt in Germany, where I serve as a group leader in the Mathematical Modeling and Analysis group headed by Prof. Dieter Bothe. My research journey is centered at the interface between Fluid Mechanics and Mathematics, focusing on the fundamental aspects of mathematical modeling and numerical simulation of multiphase flows.
At the core of my work lies a passionate exploration of transport processes and dynamic wetting phenomena. These endeavors are not only intellectually stimulating but are also important in real-world applications, spanning fields such as microfluidics, heat and mass transfer, and printing technology.
Upcoming conferences
I will participate in the following conferences and workshops. I am looking forward to meeting you!
- 03.-07.06.2024: ECCOMAS CONGRESS 2024, Lisbon, Portugal, Modern Approaches To Multiphase Flows in Microfluidics: bubbles, droplets, wetting, and transport in complex media
- 13.-14.06.2024: Powders into Liquids and Liquids into Powders Workshop, IFPRI Workshop, Toronto, Canada
- 26.-28.06.2024: International Conference on Numerical Methods in Multiphase Flows, Reykjavik, Iceland
- 30.09-03.10.2024: Mini-conference Functional Materials Engineering, UHasselt, Belgium
Special Issue: Multiphase microfluidics: Droplets, wetting dynamics and transport in complex media
If you are researching multiphase microfluidics using mathematical modeling, experiments, simulations or data-driven approaches, we invite you to contribute to our European Physics Journal Special Topic Special Issue on “Multiphase microfluidics: Droplets, wetting dynamics and transport in complex media”. Further information about the special issue is available here: https://www.epj.org/epjst-open-calls-for-papers/2756-epjst-special-issue-multiphase-microfluidics-droplets-wetting-dynamics-and-transport-in-complex-media
“Modellansatz” Podcast Interview
In this episode, Gudrun Thäter talks to Mathis Fricke from TU Darmstadt about Dynamic Wetting Phenomena. He did his PhD in 2020 in the Mathematical Modeling and Analysis group with Prof. Dieter Bothe. This group is located in Analysis and thus in the Faculty of Mathematics, but works in a strongly interdisciplinary network because problems…